My Journey to the Garden

Burning in the garden

Maybe the hell I’ve always feared
Was burning inside of me?
And the only way to heaven was to walk right through the fire
Falling forward I ignite
My mind and body engulfed in heat
I’ve made a mistake
Let me drift back to sleep
Give me the inferno I thought was heaven
The combustion I called love
This pain is suffocating
My self is melting off
My life bursting into flames
I’m writhing in the violent death of everything I knew burning down
But as the smoke begins to clear
And ash settles on the ground
I dust off a brilliant diamond
At last, I am found
The Garden I’d been longing for
Was waiting on the other side of hell
The blaze of truth spread like wildfire until finally I was free
Now I inspect Eden to ensure all embers are extinguished
A match and gasoline ready in each hand
I’ll light a controlled burn next time
But I’m not going back to sleep
Except to rest peacefully under the Tree of Life


The morning God sent a transgender angel to save me